Welcome to Minit - The One-Minute Learning App!

Are you ready to experience a revolution in learning? Welcome to Minit, where knowledge is unlocked in just one minute.

game-changer in education

One-Minute Video Format

Our one-minute video format is a game-changer in education. We understand that in today’s fast-paced world, time is precious. With Minit, you can seize every minute to learn something new. Whether you have a busy schedule or just a few moments to spare, our one-minute videos are tailored to fit your learning style.


Never miss that one life changing video

Minit’s AI-powered recommendation system understands your unique interests and learning goals. It serves up content that resonates with you, making your learning journey highly personalized and engaging.

Interactive Features

Some of our Minit videos include interactive features such as quizzes and polls.

Easy Learning

Learning becomes an interactive adventure with our short form content.

Innovative Navigation System

Navigate seamlessly, dive deeper into subjects, and keep your curiosity alive.

Community Features

Join our "Town Hall" space to connect with fellow learners and share learning tips.

Future of education

With Minit, you're not just learning; you're experiencing the future of education. Join us on this incredible journey.

Available in both iOS and Android devices

ensuring that you can learn on your terms, no matter which device you prefer. Learning has never been more flexible.

Join the Minit "Town Hall"

Join the Minit Community!

Minit isn’t just an app, it’s a community of curious minds, eager to explore, share, and grow. Our one-minute learning format, extensive content, innovative navigation, and full-screen videos make us the premier choice for learners of all ages and backgrounds. Welcome to the future of education. Welcome to Minit.

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Launching Soon!

Mini Educational Web Series